Internet Security During E-Learning

Remote Teaching During COVID Times

The coronavirus has enforced a newly discovered (for many teachers) remote way of teaching. This way of teaching has both its perks and drawbacks. 

Virtual teaching is sometimes a stressful task for teachers. Moreover, many of the teachers are not familiar with this method of teaching. It has become a difficult task for most teachers to cope with technological advances. Teachers who relied on the traditional teaching method never expected such change in the system in their lives, but unfortunately, the pandemic made them experience one.

Teachers might become the victim of the hackers out there. To overcome this threat, they should ensure that they take all the necessary measures to remain on the safe end.

Is Virtual Teaching a Safe Trend for the Teachers?

Online teaching can be made safe for teachers if all the security measures are up to the mark. Teachers should have all the information related to cybersecurity systems. Cybercrime has reached its height during the COVID times as everything depends on virtual resources. There is an increased number of audiences on that platform who have more chances to become victims of cybercrimes.

Online teaching classrooms have various students getting logged-in in a single domain. This situation creates an opportunity for hackers to attack if the virtual teachers ensure security if not provided. Thus, taking security measures to remain secure while teaching online is essential.  

Security Methods to Be Ensured When Teaching Remotely

1.      Setting up a VPN

Setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for your internet connection could help you remain secure while teaching. This VPN connection would create a private network for you that would be safe. No hacker would be able to access your location quickly. That would be a savior for your security.

2.      Enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

All your accounts offer an MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) option. This option enables the verification by connecting you through other gadgets. Whenever your account is being signed-in by other devices or locations, you are notified through this option.

3.      Choosing Strong Passwords

One of the essential keys to remaining safe online is to ensure that you choose secure and strong passwords. Many online password generators are available, which can help make the best and unique passwords for you. These passwords are unbreakable.

Most hacking activities occur due to weak passwords. Once you set up a strong password, the chances of being a victim of cybercrimes will reduce.

4.    Helping Out Students to Remain Secure

Being a teacher, it is your responsibility to provide the best of knowledge to your students. If you provide all the above-mentioned information to your students, then that would save them too. This help would ultimately be a savior for your cybersecurity also. Your students remain connected to your platforms through online mediums.

This kind act of yours will help students to know you are fulfilling your responsibility for being the best teacher, even in these hard coronavirus times.

5.    Not Hesitating From Learning From Your Students

It would be correct to say that students are ahead of teachers when it comes to technological advances. Students are familiar with all the recent cybercrimes and their probabilities to occur. They also know about the measure to avoid such situations. 

A teacher should never hesitate to learn from his or her students. 

To conclude, with the increase of cybercrimes, the increase in measures to prevent these crimes has also increased. A virtual teacher needs to ensure taking steps to avoid been a victim of crimes online. Setting up VPNs or MFAs can be a great option. Taking help from students or helping them to remain safe online can be a savior too.

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About the Author: James Morgan
