With the advent of technology, video symposium platforms such as Zoom are becoming popular on the Internet. In the survey of online education trends in 2021, up to 85% of students stated that their online or remote courses include synchronized meetings, e.g., scheduled live meetings that include video conferencing sessions. Attending online zoom sessions is not easy, you must learn the zoom etiquette tips for successful online learning.
Moreover, not all online programs require video-based meetings. Therefore, it is necessary to consult your teacher to understand course expectations and requirements before commencing online learning. You will most likely receive instructions about the coursework in your first class. Also, if you have any queries regarding internet connectivity, you can discuss them with your online trainers.
The following are the important zoom meeting etiquette tips that need your consideration.
1) Check the Internet Connectivity
The bandwidth requirements for the zoom app are relatively low, but a poor internet connection can cause disrupted audio and video signals. Use tools like Speedtest to test your internet connection. Turning off the video can also help improve performance on slower connections.
2) Mute the Microphone
Your lecturer can adjust the meeting settings so that you can join the meeting silently. But sometimes, your microphone is turned “ON,” and everyone can hear you. Remember to turn the microphone on and off as needed during the session and keep the mic muted until you have to speak to help prevent background noise from interfering with your activities.
3) Customize Your Profile
You can adjust and change your name as well as your display picture on Zoom Id. This information and image are visible on the screen even when you are not using the camera. Although teachers generally prefer students to use videos, viewing pictures instead of just a list of names is quite helpful.
4) Dress Properly
There is no doubt that our work and school closets have become more casual now than a year ago. The casual style may be suitable for online courses, but it is essential to remember that you are still in a professional environment. So, dress appropriately and present the best version of yourself.
5) Turn Video Off when Needed
Do not hesitate to shut off your video clip if you need to briefly leave your computer system or crave a quick snack during a session. Furthermore, it’s more acceptable to keep your video on to help establish a feeling of connectivity with your classmates and your trainer.
6) Setting the Background
Professional-looking space is not always available, but you should prepare yourself and your background for the video conference. Try to keep a pet and other people off the screen to avoid any misconduct. Zoom can also easily replace your background with virtual arrangements. Your school may even provide virtual background setups, such as the University of California, Irvine, and Temple University, providing beautifully designed backgrounds to their students. So, adjusting your background as per requirements is one of the smart zoom etiquette tips for effective online sessions.
7) Be Courteous
It seems easy; however, it is not always easy in practice. If you can’t say it aloud in front of your instructors and classmates, it is inappropriate to claim it throughout the Zoom conference or write it in the chat home window. In a group environment, politeness, empathy, and also generosity can go a long way. Your associates belong to your professional network, so focus on building favorable relationships.
8) Raise Hand before Speaking
Zoom app and other video conferencing platforms allow you to raise your virtual hand. It is a polite way to seek opportunities to speak and help teachers directing discussions, especially in large classes.
9) Avoid Multitasking
When in an online meeting, it can be tempting to open various windows and tabs, inspect your emails and social media feeds, or change your attention to your phone. To overcome this habit, mute your phone and any pop-up notifications on your computer. Likewise, try to avoid eating in the internet class sessions and stay focused on your tasks.
10) Be on Time
Punctuality and regularity are essential zoom etiquette tips for successful online learning. So remain vigilant about your actions or responsibilities and try to attend your classes timely. Although entering the virtual classroom late may be easier than entering the physical classroom after class. In any case, try to remove all distracting things in your surroundings and set up a calendar notification to remind you to log in a few minutes before the scheduled start time.