The well-known covid-19 has shaken earth to its core. Every industry, every institution, and every company has faced disturbance in every aspect. If you ponder upon the most disturbing category, that happens to be the students. Students have suffered a significant loss in their academics. The sudden halt in studies has left students’ minds hanging about what they will do in the future. And most importantly, the newcomers have faced a significant setback.
Student recruitment processes have not taken place due to the pandemic. But this doesn’t mean candidates won’t be able to get admitted to the school. The school authorities and management should make beneficial use of technology.
Let’s discuss the lessons the school should learn about student recruitment from this pandemic. These practical steps taken by school management can provide significant relief to many.
1. Communication with students
The sudden announcement of the intercontinental lockdown had left many stunned. This lockdown had affected the majority of people in brutal ways. People would panic and start to worry about future consequences. Students are beginning to realize what will be the future of their academics. Students had started to wonder what will happen to yearly student recruitment.
Amongst these problems, only some schools took the necessary steps. By erasing the communication gap between students and school, management has relieved students. Like
· They applied strategies for communicating with students.
· They always kept students updated about the ongoing conditions.
· They were always there to answer their queries.
2. Consistent Follow-ups
Covid-19 was the main obstacle in the way of student recruitment. During this period, almost every task was a very challenging one. Amid this global pandemic, student recruitment also seemed a real problem. This pandemic unfolded much like a crisis for students. Students were not able to attend regular follow-ups. Constant calls, emails, and texts raise your chances of getting connected with them. Here technology has played its role very well and has proved to be a great source of communication.
3. Commencement of Online Classes
The wave of Covid-19 had suspended almost every chore of the world. And so was the operation of schools. The consistent implementation of the global lockdown was lasting long enough. So, to overcome this problem, some schools started to set off the conduction of online classes. But this idea was not as simple for every school. Some schools request for the initiation of online classes from the government. Moreover, few schools never offered remote classes. But considering the circumstances, they were also bound to operate online.
4. Importance of international student recruitment for security
As this pandemic is a global issue, students worldwide are facing the same problem. They are not able to apply to school.
With the betterment of the situations, the student base must not get affected. Countries showing a slow rate in recovering the virus interpret the chances that they will very slowly recover their international ground.
5. Introduction of Programs and courses
This lockdown has made us realize and stressed the importance of e-learning. The schools are ensuring to provide quality and proper education to their students. The introduction of programs and courses is excellent for students’ development. Moreover, we can see that online learning has gained popularity due to the lockdown. We can observe that the programs and courses provided by schools are of different ranges. Each range serves different interests.
6. Flexibility for Student During the pandemic
When the wave of pandemic hit the world, all the planning of students went in vain. Suspension of travel and tourism took place due to Covid-19. Some students had a plan to study abroad, but the Coronavirus resulted in dismissing their goals. Moreover, some students could not study due to the financial crisis this pandemic laid upon us.
In this scenario, only those schools that planned great strategies conquered a great position. They understood the situation of every student. They came with different payment plans for the students who were not stable.
7. Greater things than student recruitment
Besides recruiting students amid the pandemic, some things need attention. School managements have more responsibilities besides delivering quality education. They need to take all precautionary measures and should obey social distancing.
To conclude, serving education during the Covid-19 may seem a challenging task. However, taking some necessary steps can make it a lot easier for students. Hence students will be free from worrying about their studies.