Businesses of all kinds rely on numbers to make decisions. With an online finance degree, students can use these numbers to make investments, launch products, or make changes to their business. Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in finance can pursue careers in areas such as financial management, business analysis, and accounting. The diploma also provides a solid foundation for further studies in business, law, and economics.
This guide is one of the best online bachelor’s degrees in finance in the country to help students find the right program for their needs. This page also includes potential positions for graduates with an online degree and information on the skills and attributes that employers are looking for in their financial positions. Students can often tailor their degrees at online universities to their career goals through elective courses and concentrations. See this guide for more information on these options.

Online high school diploma in finance

Investments: This course covers the use and valuation of various investment products, including stocks, bonds, and securities. Topics include diversification, portfolio management, securities trading, mutual funds, and short and long term investments. Students study how investors make decisions and what data they trust to secure investments. Risk analysis also plays an important role in this course. Students examine various investment tools and learn to assess an investor’s risk tolerance. This class is often based on concepts covered in financial accounting or financial management courses.

Management Finance: This course examines the theoretical principles of financial decision making, including financial health assessment, financial planning, working capital, and growth management. The other principles discussed include the return on risk, the financing, and the valuation of real assets and investments. Students learn how debt and cash flow affect the health of the business and how financial growth is managed. They also learn to analyze different types of business data to make financial decisions that affect the health of their organizations.


Asset management: This course introduces partners to the principles of asset management and theories regarding the selection and allocation of assets. Students learn to use quantitative methods to select and design portfolios of stocks and other investments. Such decisions are often based on the goals of the wealth owner, which can include individuals, philanthropic foundations, pension funds, corporations, and governments. Course topics include different types of asset allocation, the investment instruments used for allocation, and the measurement of investment performance. Primary theories include statistical analysis, finance theory, and optimization theory.

Options and Futures: In this course, participants learn to value basic derivatives to determine their value. Students also study financial risk management. The course content is based on quantitative and economic principles. Therefore, participants must take online courses in investment, corporate finance, business calculation, probability, and statistics before registering for this course. Many course leaders supplement textbooks with publications such as Investor’s Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal, and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Publications.

International financial markets: In this course, students study how technology, globalization, and regulation are affecting international financial markets. Topics include derivatives, futures, options, and swaps with an in-depth study of the benefits and challenges of each type of contract. Students can also study current affairs on topics such as international trade, portfolios, and spot markets. Students should already have basic knowledge of statistics, economics, and finance.


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