Differences between E-Learning and Classroom Learning
E-learning has evolved from the instructional technology niche. People need and desire to learn everything at the right speed and convenient time in this remote era. Therefore, these times have made e-learning a goal for several companies. Besides, the popularity of e-learning is reaching new heights as compared to classroom learning, especially with the advancement of technology. Nonetheless, you cannot simply think that the transition from classroom to online understanding is a trade of one-for-one. The creation of an e-learning course to be the same as an ordinary & traditional teacher-led course is essentially one foolproof means to develop an outdated training
4 Steps on How to Teach Artificial Intelligence
The future of artificial intelligence seems to be prosperous as days and years pass. We know how much this era is technology dependant. The role of artificial intelligence in our daily life is quite visible. There are proven steps to learn about AI.
The Future Work Environment; How It’s Evolving
The ever-growing change in future professionals' requirements lies in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and the Internet of things. They have become the "new reality" for the future of work. Adapt it or be in hot water!