tests, exams, and homework work for online titles

If you want to apply for an online degree program, you probably want to know how the whole system works to determine if it really suits you. And that’s a smart thing because there are several key differences between distance learning and traditional studies on campus.

Your distance learning generally consists of four main parts: forum discussions, managing a personal portfolio, writing assignments, preparing for exams, exam.

You must go through each of these sections to successfully complete your course. A final grade is usually calculated for your performance at the end of the period. An example would be 20% of your performance in discussions, 30% for your homework, 30% for your portfolio and 20% for multiple-choice questions (final exam).

Okay, but what do all these parts of an online title really contain? Don’t worry, buddy, we have a few explanatory examples of how remote assessment works in practice.

How forum discussions work

The main subject is divided into several subjects. For example, if the main subject is creative writing, it is divided into plot, structure, narrative techniques, language, etc. Likewise, your chosen topic will be broken down into other smaller discussion topics.

To make high-quality contributions to the discussions, you need to visit various websites and ezines for relevant information that others have not discovered and that you must present in your own words.

Your manager will follow up on your comments every 2-3 days and report your errors. This is visible to all the students in your group. So please write your text, save it and check for errors before submitting your discussion.

Scores are assigned for the total number and quality of discussions you had during the course. That said, the more active you are, the better your score will be. The discussions may take a while, but you will find that the new information you get through the forum is huge.

How to maintain a portfolio

When you discuss a topic in the forum, you can capture your most important learning points in your personal portfolio. This portfolio represents your personal reflections on what you learned during the discussion.

It shows the examiner how much knowledge he has acquired and how he will use it in his daily practice. You can organize it at any time like a journal. Your manager usually reviews your posts every week and comments on the content.

How tasks are assigned

For each course, you must complete a task on a subject that the supervisor will give you. You can generally choose from several subjects provided, for example, a choice of 3 or 4 subjects. Unlike your portfolio, in most cases, you will not receive feedback until the end of the period when the results are announced.

Whatever the good idea is to start working on a task as soon as possible. You can do this by adding it every day until you finish the topic. That way, you always have new information in mind.

Take the MCQ exam online

Finally, there will be an online exam, also called MCQ (Computer-Managed Multiple Choice Question Exam). Exam dates are announced in advance and you generally have 48 hours to take the exam. The great thing about studying online is that you have open-book exams, which means that you can use whatever material is available. Of course, using your own notes is a big plus, but you may want to quickly search for additional data on Google. The questions relate to the same subjects as those covered in the forum.

The MCQ gives a total of 20 correct answers. For example, you should receive 12 out of 20 responses. Of course, each university will determine its own grades and pass rules.

About the Author: admin
